Ask Pastor Jim Anything

Pastor Jim Jung is on a sabbatical for 5 months from May to September 2024. Pastor Jim’s goal for his sabbatical is to rest, pray, and work on personal & professional development. Your prayers are appreciated!

Episode 1: Speaking the Truth In Love & Career Decisions

Episode 2: Reading and Re-Reading the Word

Episode 3: Exploring church matters in marriage and salvation

Episode 4: Growing the church in discerning leadership and community

Episode 5: Free will and the difference between denominations

Episode 6: Guarding one's heart?

Episode 7: Profound Love & Profound Books

Episode 8: Relying on God through Anxiety and Contemporary Society

Episode 9: The Crucifixion and the Asian Church

Episode 10: Revelation and Temptations

Episode 11: Mission - Minded- Helpful or Harmful?

Episode 12: Preparing Our Hearts for Spiritual Growth and Marriage

Episode 13: Godly Anger and Ungodly Death

If you have ever wondered about topics such as these, are curious about the how’s and why’s of Christianity or have any other questions in general ask Pastor Jim anything here.