"The Right Hand of Fellowship" Galatians 2:1-10p


  1. According to the sermon, when is the approval of men as “the right hand of fellowship” good and necessary in gospel ministry?

  2. How do we “separate” the politics from the ministry of the gospel?

  3. Where does the subject of “the poor” fit in the discussion of power and influence?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

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"Called by God" Galatians 1:10-24


  1. Do you tend to be a “people-pleaser”? If so, to what degree (1-10)? Describe the pros and cons of people-pleasing attempts in your own experience.

  2. Describe your first-person experience with God’s presence and/or truth that increased your spiritual conviction or resolve.

  3. When you feel convicted inside to pursue God in a certain way or service, how does the church and community affirm that conviction? In other words, is your “internal calling” matched or affirmed by the “external calling”?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

"God's Faithfulness: Past and Present" Luke 22:7-20


  1. Why is it so important to have a sound, biblical understanding of the nature of the Lord’s Supper?

  2. How does the Lord’s Supper function as one of the ordinary means of grace available to us in Christ?

  3. How does the physicality of the Lord’s Supper enrich your life of hope in the future coming of Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

"The Word of God" Psalm 19:7-11


  1. What is the relationship between God and His Word according to the sermon?

  2. What are the corresponding definitions of the key doctrines on Word of God such as inerrancy, infallibility, plenary inspiration, perspicuity?

  3. What two functions of the Word of God is highlighted in the message?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

"His Steadfast Love Endures Forever" 2 Chronicles 6:12 - 7:3


  1. How does Jesus being the true ‘house of the Lord’ shape the direction of all your thoughts and prayers?

  2. How does the presence of God among us through the Spirit of Christ encourage you in your daily fight against sin?

  3. What makes the steadfast love of God so steadfast? Who does it all depend upon?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

"Marriage Considerations" Judges 4:1-20


  1. What was/is your impression of Samson? According to the sermon, what was the “method” to Samson’s “madness” or “recklessness”?

  2. If the “Spirit of the Lord rushed upon” you, what would be the powerful holy outcome in your life and context

  3. How should Christians and the Church clearly LEAVE the world, and firmly CLEAVE unto Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?