“We Have Christ in Common!” (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)


  1. Do you struggle with particular divisions affecting your life? ...it may be personal relationships, group functionality or even social issues. Would you care to share what they are, and how they affect your life and perhaps those around you?

  2. How does God’s “common grace” bring perspective and platform for mutual understanding in this vastly divided world?

  3. How does the “saving grace” in Jesus Christ ultimately unite the church? What about the existing and persisting differences among the brothers and sisters in Christ?

  4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The Christian Call to Pursue Justice for the Oppressed (Proverbs 24:10-12)


  1. A number of biblical passages were read in the sermon. Which one about God’s commitment to justice or the call of God’s people to pursue justice most impacted you and why?

  2. What do you find most concerning/sad/discouraging/ challenging about the situation of oppressed people in the world?

  3. What opportunities have you taken in the past to help the oppressed? Going forward what is one very concrete way that you will consistently seek to pursue justice for the oppressed?

  4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Grace in the Mess


  1. What new things have you learned about the ancient Corinthian church? How is today’s society and church similar to the Corinthian church?

  2. What is Paul’s view of the saints; and how does it comfort us as individuals and a corporate body?

  3. What “gifts” has God given the church to make it through each day, until the final “day of our Lord Jesus Christ”?

  4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Music as a Craft for the Gospel (Colossians 3:16)


1. What are some of the passages from the Psalter that have greatly encouraged your faith? How did the artistic nature of those verses from the psalms grasp your heart?

2. What are implications for our church life together and your personal walk with Christ when we understand singing as a ministry of the Word?

3. How are you currently employing music to strengthen your understanding of and delight in God through his word? What are some ways you could further employ music to strengthen your faith in Christ?

4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Music in Worship (Colossians 3:12-17)


  1. What is your favorite form of music? How does it relate (or not) to your appreciation of Christian/ worship music?

  2. What are some guiding principles you learned about Christian worship music from the sermon? What should be avoided and what should be kept in place?

  3. Do you sing God’s praise with all of your heart? How can you sing and worship in a way that shapes your heart according to the good news of Jesus Christ?

  4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The Who, Why and How of Worship (Exodus 20:1-8)


1. How would you articulate what the “regulative principle of worship” is, and why is it so important? Can you think of examples of worship that you have seen that should not be employed because of the regulative principle?

2. In what ways does God’s saving covenant with us in Jesus Christ find expression in our public worship? How should it shape the way you worship privately?

3. Who is the threefold audience of worship? How should each audience shape the way we go about our worship?
4. What was the helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Simon: the Sinner and the Saviour (Luke 7:36-50)


  1. Read Luke 7:36-50. Who do you identify most with in the sermon, and why? Who are we supposed to identify with? 2

  2. Re-read the warning of verse 47 and the truth of verse 42. How much have you been forgiven?

  3. Consider how the anonymous woman approaches Jesus (verse 38, 44-46). How does she challenge you to approach Jesus this week?

  4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

Major in Asia Minor (Acts 19:1-10)


  1. In what ways do you see Israel’s temptation to trust in idols, their leaders and their religiosity reflected in your own life?

  2. In this passage what form does God’s discipline take? Do you regularly consider how God may bring his discipline in your life, if you fail to repent? If not, why not? If so, how does it help you to walk with Jesus?

  3. How is God’s promise of deliverance hinted at in this passage? How does God’s promise of deliverance encourage our repentance?

  4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

Promises Kept: A Case of Discipline AND Deliverance


1. In what ways do you see Israel’s temptation to trust in idols, their leaders and their religiosity reflected in your own life?

2. In this passage what form does God’s discipline take? Do you regularly consider how God may bring his discipline in your life, if you fail to repent? If not, why not? If so, how does it help you to walk with Jesus?

3. How is God’s promise of deliverance hinted at in this passage? How does God’s promise of deliverance encourage our repentance? 

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?


Discovering and Loving God's Word (2 Kings 22-23)


  1. Can you recall what or how you were “drawn” to God and His word? Is your perspective of that time the same or different today in retrospect?

  2. What is it like to discover that the Bible, the Scriptures, is the very Word of the Living God? Would you say that reality has truly sunken deep into your heart, and guides your faith and life?

  3. How is God’s word guiding and challenging you to make heart-level transformations and life-renovations? Can you, will you, share some specifics from your life?

  4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

The Lord of Life (2 Kings 20:1-11)


  1. Have you ever grieved over the loss of a loved one? How did you pray, and how did you grieve?

  2. How does the character of our God as the Lord of life comfort you in the face of death?

  3. Do you fear death? Why should the resurrection of Jesus make all the difference in our fears and grief?

  4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

Semper Reformanda (Always Reforming) (2 Kings 18-19)


  1. How is the Spirit of God leading you to walk before Him in this generation? What are the challenges you are willing to face for the sake of the gospel?

  2. What do you think are the most difficult issues facing Christians and churches in this generation?

  3. We have seen the Lord use godly prayers time and time again to usher His revival. How will you devote yourself to such prayers? Let us pray for the greatest revival of our generation!

  4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

From Covenant Breakers to Covenant Keepers (2 Kings 17)


  1. What were the reasons that the northern Israel was destroyed and ended with exile? (7-18) What are the sins that you are committing in your life similar to the Israelites? What can we learn from them?

  2. What was the context of their exile situation? (29-33) What are the dangers of syncretism in our context?

  3. What is the command that LORD has given to Israel when he made a covenant with them? (35-39) What does it mean to “fear the LORD”?

  4. How is the new covenant in Christ different from the covenant made with OT Israel? (Jeremiah 31:31- 33; Rom 11:27; Heb 9:15; 2 Cor 3:6) Why is the understanding of the new covenant important in Christian journey?

  5. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/ or the sermon on the text?

Worship God for His Heart to Humble and Heal the Heathens (2 Kings 5)


1. What made Naaman such an unexpected recipient of God’s pursuing grace? What circumstances did God ordain to heal Naaman physically and spiritually? What circumstances did God ordain in your life to contribute to you coming to faith in Christ?

2. Where is human pride on display throughout this narrative? In what areas of your life are you most tempted to take pride in? What resources of God’s grace do you see in this passage to help you to battle pride?

3. How did God use lowly people to lead Naaman to himself in this text? How have you seen God use other common people to lead non-Christians towards faith in Christ? What are some small ways that you have in your sphere of influence to point people to Jesus and the gospel?

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

Great-Greater-Greatest Prophet (2 Kings 2)


1. What legacy do you hope to leave in this world? What spiritual/eternal value does that hope reflect?

2. How does Jesus satisfy your expectation of God’s manifestation in the world and in your life? If not, what questions or conditions would you have for him?

3. How would you help others understand and experience Jesus as the all-satisfying Saviour of the world?

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

Are You Serving Religion or the Real God? (1 Kings 18)


1. How would you summarize the three different types of people we encounter in this passage? Which of the three do you resonate most with and why?

2. How would you compare and contrast Baal and the true God? How is secular materialism like Baalism? What do you find compelling about the true God that will help you to fight against the temptation to a secular, materialistic way of thinking?

3. How were both Obadiah and Elijah courageous in their service to the true God? In what specific ways is courage being called for in your walk with Jesus? What about God in this passage can give you the strength to courageously serve Jesus in your workplace, uni, neighborhood or home?

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

The United House of Christ (1 Kings 12)


1. Do you seek good counsel and advice in your life? Do you bother formulating critical questions for yourself and go after those wiser/godlier than you for guidance, with openness? (If able, please share one of these experiences.)

2. Compare the demands of Rehoboam vs Jesus. Whose burden do you prefer; and what are the different results? How have you experienced the “light yoke” of Christ in your life?

3. How does the gospel of Christ unite His people? Have you experienced this “bond of unity” because of Jesus, in the context of His church? Please share.

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

The Downward Spiral (1 Kings 11)


1. Recognition, fortune, lust… what do you find yourself struggling after? What are the competing idols that are setup in your heart?

2. According to the sermon, what is God’s good purpose in presenting challenges and struggles in our lives? What lessons do you take away from your daily challenges?

3. Compare Solomon and Jesus. How does Christ’s accomplishment, poverty and faithfulness lead us to salvation?

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?

A Prayer That Teaches Us How to Pray (1 Kings 8)


1. Point out some ways this text points both to God’s transcendence and his immanence. Which truth about God do you most need at this point in your life in order for you to pray more earnestly? Why?

2. What are some ways that Solomon as King is acting as a mediator for God’s people? In what ways is Jesus an even greater mediator than Solomon? How should this encourage your prayer life?

3. Solomon prayed that God would answer prayers that were offered in dependence and/or repentance. Highlight a couple of verses that point to each. Do you struggle most with repenting or depending on God’s provision for things other than forgiveness? What from this text encourages you to both greater dependence and/or repentance?

4. What did you find most helpful from the sermon text and/or the sermon on the text?