"By Faith, Not By Sight" Mark 8:11-26


  1. Why does Jesus sigh and say that no sign will be given to that generation in response to the Pharisees?

  2. What is the significance of the disciples' lack of understanding? How are they relatable for us today?

  3. Why does Jesus tell the man not to return to the village? What is the significance of his eye-sight being restored?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

OOW can be found here.

"Déjà Vu?" Mark 8:1-10


  1. Do you see and understand the deep compassion Jesus on you?

  2. Do you find it challenging to be patient when facing an opportunity to be compassionate? Share an experience.

  3. Is Jesus your Bread of Life? What are other things that you consume in life which distract you from Jesus?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The Mercy of Jesus" Mark 7:24-37


  1. How firmly are you in control of your own life?

  2. Can you relate with the humble estate of the two characters in our passage? Can you in any way relate with their hurt, disability, vulnerability and neediness?

  3. How has the mercy of Jesus impacted your own life? How does your experience of God’s mercy benefit those around you?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Sin and the Sinner" Mark 7:1-23


  1. Why were the Pharisees’ outward displays of piety an insult to God? Do you find yourself relating more with the Pharisees or the 'sinners' day to day?

  2. Why does what comes out of a person defile them? How is this related to the idea of what kind of fruit a tree produces?

  3. What should our first response be when confronted with the reality of our sin? How often does that actually happen?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Power and Purpose" Mark 6:45-56


  1. What is the biblical significance of Jesus 'going up to a mountain' to pray? Where should we go to pray today?

  2. What is the biblical significance of Jesus' power over the wind and waves?

  3. What is the biblical significance of Jesus bringing healing to the land and the people? How does it impact us today?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The Compassionate Christ" Mark 6:30-44


  1. Christ prioritizes rest in this passage, how does that compare to the world's call on our lives

  2. Christ provides nourishment in this passage, what are places, things or people you look to provide nourishment? How do they compare to Christ’s provision?

  3. Christ provides compassion in this passage, what do we learn about God through this demonstration by Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The Martyr's Glory" Mark 6:14-29

Discussion Questions

  1. Who was the greatest (G.O.A.T.) prophet ever? What reasons were provided in the sermon

  2. Considering both biblical history and church history, what sort of persecution have the prophets of God faced in the world?

  3. As N.T. followers of Jesus, what can we expect of our own prophetic ministry when we live as the mouthpiece of God?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“News that demands a response” Mark 6:1-13


  1. Why was Jesus met with reactions of astonishment and offence? What is your knee-jerk response to news you don't want to hear? Why?

  2. What is the significance of Jesus marvelling at their unbelief?

  3. How do you respond to the call of repentance whenever you hear it? How are you engaged with the proclamation of the gospel?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“Faith and Fear” Mark 5:21-43

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some fears you face trying to live the Christian life in today’s world?

  2. How can Jesus help overcome fear in these places?

  3. How can we make trusting in God part of our everyday life?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Three Beggars" Mark 5:1-20


  1. What is this bible passage NOT about? What is the focus?

  2. What are the "pigs" in your life? Does this hinder or distract you from your walk with God?

  3. Once the man was saved, his first response was to be at the feet of Christ. What do you think sitting at the feet of Jesus means? What are we called to also do?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

“The King & His Kingdom” (Mark 4:21-41)


  1. What ‘kings’ do you have in your life? What are their warnings? What are their promises?

  2. What do you think is the difference in Christ’s Kingship? What does he promise?

  3. How does Christ’s Kingship apply in our everyday life? What are some ways you are preparing for his Kingdom?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

“The Good Sower & The Good Soil” (Mark 4:1-20)


  1. What is the “seed,” and who is the “sower” according to the sermon?

  2. Can you relate with the characteristics of these various soil conditions? Which? When? Please share.

  3. What ultimately is the good soil according to the sermon, and how do you know?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

“A Tale of Two Houses” (Mark 3:22-35)


  1. How does Jesus undo the logic of the Scribes in their accusations of Jesus being empowered by an evil spirit?

  2. Why was the accusation of the Scribes against Jesus an unforgivable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

  3. How are you growing in doing the will of God as members of the house of God?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

"Follow The Rules!" (Mark 2:18 - 3:6)


  1. Why is self-righteousness always a temptation for us? Are making extra rules always a bad thing?

  2. How does Jesus eliminate our need for self-righteousness?

  3. In Christ, how does our pursuit of righteousness change? How can we protect ourselves from self-righteousness?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

"The Beginning of the Final Crescendo" (Mark 3:7-21)


  1. Do you find yourself like the ordinary men and women who chased after Jesus? Or do you find yourself like the pharisees and scribes who kept challenging Jesus?

  2. Why was Jesus trying to hide the fact that he was the Son of God? Do you believe Jesus truly is the Son of God?

  3. What is the difference between a disciple and an Apostle?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

“Compassion and Cynicism” (Mark 2:13-17)


1. Why was the calling of Levi so unlikely? How unlikely was your own call to follow Jesus?

2. Deep down, which party do you relate to more, day to day: the sinners or the Pharisees?

3. Why is it so important to continually wrestle with the deep truths of our sin?

4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

The order of worship can be found here.

"The Problem of Being Paralysed" (Mark 2:1-12)


  1. What is the biggest problem in your life right now that if it were solved you would have a tremendous burden lifted off your shoulders?

  2. What gives Jesus the ability to forgive sins?

  3. Are there any friends in your life that cannot or will not come to Jesus? What are you willing to do for that friend?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of worship can be found here.

"Fame and Glory" (Mark 1:29-45)


  1. What are some of the most absurd reasons why people are famous? Why are people drawn towards fame?

  2. What should a church be known for? How can some secondary things become the main thing?How can we guard against that?

  3. How can you make proclaiming the gospel a real priority in your life? How could you make sure it is personal when you give the gospel?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of worship can be found here.

"Making Disciples & Chasing Demons" (Mark 1:16-28) - Easter Sunday Service


  1. How is Jesus different from other scribes and teachers? What quality did the people notice about Him?

  2. How has your life been impacted by your association with Jesus and His church? How do others treat you differently or worse? What are the costs you incurred?

  3. Consider the remainder of your life, as a builder might consider the cost before undertaking the project. Do you trust Jesus to keep you faithful in Him to the very end?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of worship can be found here.