COVID-19 Update 8

Dear HCC,

With restrictions getting tighter these past few days, we want to encourage you to hold even more to the gospel, that our gaze may be focused on Christ, and our HCC community may continually be reaching out to each other in encouragement and prayer with the love of Christ.

Just a couple of reminders and updates moving forward:

  • COVID Care - Church Leadership (Session, Staff, Servant leaders) we are here and available for you. Please do reach out to us for further prayer and ways we can support you during this time.

  • HCC Hospitality - the Hospitality team have been reaching out to the initially affected areas in lockdown with some care packages. If you know of anyone who needs further support, do contact any of the church leaders.

  • Stay Connected - whether it be via after church Zoom fellowship or attending Growth Groups, we just want to encourage you to keep in touch with one another and the greater Church.

In regards to our Sunday Worship Live Stream:

  • Live Stream will be found on our Harbour City Church Facebook page like always

  • Presider, Slides, Praise team, and Preacher will be using Zoom to connect together due to increased lockdowns and then we will broadcast to Facebook together

  • Please be gracious as we adjust to running worship a little bit differently

  • We are thankful that we can continue to worship together and praying that this won’t be a distraction as we worship our God together

As Pastor Jim touched on last week’s sermon: let us remember our humble estate, let us cling onto the hope that is Christ, may we not live in fear because of our lack of control, but live in faith in Christ which liberates us, heals us and makes us graciously serve graciously those around us:

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

- 2 Corinthians 12:9

8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

- Romans 13:8

Much love and in Christ,

HCC Session and Staff

COVID-19 Update 7

Dear beloved HCC family,

In light of the NSW government COVID-19 lockdown measures until Friday 9th July, please see how HCC will be moving forward:


  • HCC in-person worship is not possible during the two week lockdown.

  • HCC will continue to resume its service via live stream on our public Facebook account.

  • We hope to resume in-person worship on Sunday 11 July - please look out for further updates.


  • Note that GGs are on break for the next 2 weeks during the school holidays (28 June - 9 July)

  • If lockdown continues past the 9 July, all GGs will be encouraged to meet online.


  • Annual retreat will be postponed to another date.

  • Please keep an eye out for further updates from the HCC events team .

More importantly, let us keep each other in prayer and hold fast to the Gospel during this time.

If you do have any further questions or would like prayer and support, please do reach out to our pastoral team, staff or elders.

In Christ,

HCC Session

COVID-19 Update 6

Dear beloved HCC family,

In light of the NSW government COVID-19 restrictions, HCC will be implementing the following:


  • HCC main worship venue at NextGen now has a maximum capacity of only 50 people

  • As a result of this, we will be requesting our North Community Group members to live stream worship from our Church Office facility in North Ryde

  • Singing is no longer allowed for the congregation - only the praise team

  • Masks must be worn at all times

  • For those who intend to go to our NextGen Venue - Temperature checks are mandatory at reception on Level 1 prior to going to the function room on Level 2

  • Please also follow all check in procedures at NextGen and Church Office


  • HCC will continue to live stream well into July and beyond, depending on how the situation unfolds in relation to government restrictions


  • As per the government restrictions: if you live or have worked in the four local government areas within the past 14 days, you will have to stay at home. Those areas, all in eastern Sydney, include the City of Sydney, Woollahra, Waverley and Randwick

  • Please note as per the announcement: that people will be allowed to leave home with a reasonable excuse such as: to travel for necessary work or education, outdoor exercise, to provide care or compassion to a relative and buying essential goods or services

  • For a map of the affected areas and the full list of reasonable excuses to travel beyond metropolitan Sydney, click here for the NSW Great Sydney rules and restrictions page

  • For our members who are affected by this please reach out to us on: or to your respective Growth Group/Community Group Leaders


  • Most GGs/CGs will be affected by the above restrictions. With that in mind, we recommend that if you are able to move your GG online that would be ideal

  • If you are unaffected by the above, feel free to meet but as per the government regulations: up to 5 visitors may visit another household at any one time

  • Note that GGs are on break for the next 2 weeks during the school holidays (28 June - 9 July)


  • Please keep an eye out for further updates from the HCC events team

  • We are working with our Venue to try to postpone our retreat to another date

If you do have any further questions, please do reach out to our pastoral team, staff or elders.

HCC family, as Pastor Jim said in our very first COVID update:

May our God of comfort, wisdom, and power guide you and help all of us during this extraordinary time. You may be burdened emotionally, seeking for sound information, and/or need help in real situations. Please know that we as a church family are with you and are here for you. Reach out for anything at all, and let us love and help one another.

In Christ,

HCC Session

COVID-19 Update 5

Dear beloved HCC family,

It’s hard to believe that March is approaching us so soon. If you recall, March is the month where we celebrated our Church Anniversary, and it also marks the month since we last saw each other physically as one corporate body. 

We have nonetheless come very far in the past year, albeit a few hiccups along the way. We have now become far more accustomed to this new tech-savvy way of worship, streamed straight from our church office. Despite being physically apart for so long, HCC through the grace of God, has persevered through His Spirit, remained rooted in His Word, and continues to build its foundation on Jesus Christ. Not only that, but our church has also grown in the past year by welcoming several new members. Praise God! 

Until now, we have been facilitating worship by live-streaming our service from our church office. We are grateful for the servants from the pastoral, management, media, and praise team who have been faithfully gathering every Sunday morning to set up and prepare this streaming service - this has been ongoing since March 2020. 

We have adapted to the new norm by welcoming the following changes: 

  • Our order of worship has now become fully digital (saving money, time and trees!)

  • Our members take turns in submitting their "Prayer for Christ’s Church And the World" and the supporting "Bible Reading" which is broadcasted during the worship service

  • Our Living Worship segment happens on a three-week basis, capturing church life, our members and what God is doing in and through our church and its ministries.

  • The congregation has been meeting in their respective Community Groups to watch the livestream together. These community groups are based in:

    • West Ryde

    • Eastwood

    • Western Sydney

    • Northern Suburbs

    • City

From the 7th March 2021, HCC will be resuming whole congregation church worship at our usual location (NEXT GEN RYDE, 504A VICTORIA ROAD, RYDE, NSW, 2112, AUSTRALIA) commencing at 10:30am. As we gather, we will ensure that all COVID-safe precautions are being met, in line with the guidance from our government. 

It was in March 2020, when HCC was celebrating our 10 year anniversary, but more importantly God's faithfulness and goodness throughout those 10 years. God's faithfulness and goodness rings all the more true today in the year 2021. 

"Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" [Psalm 106:1] 

With love, 

David Choi (Ruling Elder) & HCC Session

COVID-19 Update 4

Updated COVID-19 Statement regarding CRT

Dear HCC family,

May the Lord’s presence and joy continue to sustain you and your loved ones during these weeks.

There are many sources of authority and information that we ought to follow during the current COVID19 epidemic. These include health and government authorities. In addition, there are the various other companies and organisations with which you are involved, whose response protocols must be heeded in compliance with the health and government authorities.

As your church, and as a part of this vital community life together, we want to make sure that you are safeguarded during this public health crisis, and that the impact of this virus within HCC context be communicated swiftly and clearly.

HCC has not had in-person meetings since the 15th March.  However, if you test positive in the coming weeks, and NSW Health need to reach HCC point of contact, please provide our details.

Jim Jung – 0430 423 986 –

Sijin Yang – 0415 058 976 –

Also, if you are concerned that you may have come in physical contact (including close proximity) with anyone with COVID-19, or have any reason to be concerned for anyone else at HCC in regard to COVID-19 infection, please let us know immediately. 

If you would like to talk, consult and pray together, please reach out to our leadership.  We are here to serve you and walk this journey with you.

Love, Hope and Faith in Christ,

P. Jim Jung & HCC Servant-Leadership

COVID-19 Update 2

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

Dear beloved Harbour City Church family,
The Session has met and made a hard decision.  In order to help curve down the risk factor for the whole of society, and to do our part, and also to keep our own members safe, we are cancelling all person-to-person gatherings until further notice.  This includes all weekday meetings and even Sunday gatherings.  It will be for at least two weeks, or even until Easter Sunday, and even possibly longer.  It’s hard to say exactly how long at this point.  But we are keeping a close eye on all the official developments and credible recommendations.
During this unique period, our priority, as the Session, is to act in love and courage, and not out of fear.  Therefore, we will: (1) continue to preach and live out the gospel; (2) proactively make informed, wise and creative decisions; and (3) communicate clearly, with godly care.
We may be cancelling en mass gatherings on Sundays and Community Groups and Growth Groups, but here is how we will continue to be God’s church, and even use this opportunity to love on one another all the more:

  1. Rest in Jesus
    In the past, God had allowed “Sabbath Years” (7th year) and “Year to Jubilee” (50th year after 7x7=49years) to allow deep rest and redemption for Israel [Lev.25].  Such rest was not a loss.  Rather, it was an investment for an even more robust future fruitfulness.  Perhaps in God’s providence, we are now called to rest physically, yet to grow our hearts all the more for the things of God and one another!  So, please, by all means, rest!

  2. Sunday worship will be live-streamed-only at the usual worship time of 10:30AM.  Please tune in!

    1. This first Sunday (22nd March) of livestreaming-only will be kept ultra simple and compact.  We will keep the entire meeting at under an hour.  Still, the Sunday programme will be available on FB group site as well as other means.  This Sunday’s theme is “10 Year House Celebration”, and our magazine “DEKA” will be released during worship, probably during the Announcement time.

    2. The following Sundays will feature other added elements such as individual testimonies.

  3. Even though physical meetings are cancelled, we recommend and encourage:

    1. Using phone and social media for good.  Reach out to more people throughout the week.  Ask one another and share how you’re doing.  Lift each other up in prayer and encouraging words.  Read and share God’s Word together.  Try using the call feature on your phone, and actually talk to people!

    2. Helping one another.  We can meet real physical needs of our community.  [Please read – Galatians 6:2, 10].  Share and provide for one another as necessary.  Deliver goods and supplies, but just drop it off, and don’t stop to shake hands and hug each other.  Yes, it’s hard, but keep the distance.

We will stay in touch with you all throughout the following days, weeks and months as we are committed to do life together with you.  We are not merely releasing “service announcements”.  We are committed to shepherd you in collective prayer and word ministry.  We will help coordinate and assist in various connection opportunities virtually.  We may even further God’s Kingdom work through virtual evangelism and fellowship as more people are isolated than ever before, and are asking the Big Questions they overlooked in the past.  So, be of good cheer! [Jn.16:33]

With love in Christ,
Pastor Jim Jung
on behalf of the Session of Harbour City Church


For more resources, please speak to our pastoral team and elders.

COVID-19 Update 1

33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Dear Harbour City Church family,
May our God of comfort, wisdom and power guide you and help all of us during this extraordinary time.  You may be burdened emotionally, seeking for sound information, and/or need help in real situations.  Please know that we as church family are with you and are here for you.  Reach out for anything at all, and let us love and help one another.
As for our regular church gatherings, we are not yet cancelling anything, at least not at this point and until further information necessitates such measure.  While various sporting events, concerts and other large-scale gatherings are being cancelled, and some workplaces are providing ways to work from home, we have not made a collective decision to cease all meetings in consideration of mitigating criteria.  The Australian government advises gatherings of over 500 to cancel, while in the U.S. the same advice goes for gatherings of 250 or more, accounting for the national scale of current viral impact.  These cancelled meetings and events are not “blown out of proportion” as they do serve a statistical purpose to curve down the risk factors. 
Our church is still rather small (under 100 on Sundays, and most others under 10), and fall well-under the recommended action criterion.  However, if you feel you need to safeguard yourself by staying home, we will respect that decision, and attempt our best to provide something to supplement.  We also ask that you self-quarantine if you know you have come in contact with those known to have caught COVID-19 or are not feeling well.  You should physically isolate yourself when you’re unwell, both to rest and recover, as well as to protect others.  In such a case, get in touch with your GP and follow their expert medical advice; and also get in touch with me and our elders either directly or through Growth Group or Community Group leaders and receive prayer and general support.
The challenging aspect of this pandemic is that COVID-19 is a “novel virus”, meaning it hasn’t been seen before, and the medical researchers are still trying to identify all its characteristics and come up with a vaccine.  So, until that is achieved, it only makes sense that we take extra precaution to help public safety for our church and our neighbours, and even for our own sake.
Most importantly, please do not live in fear.  Our Saviour secures us in His care in every way, both in this life and beyond.  Please recall the wonderful comfort outlined in Heidelberg catechism (Q&A - #1), and meditate on the Word of God as the links provide (
While we do not fear to live fruitfully on earth, or even to die in Christ, we must also live wisely and responsibly.  If we should come to a point of deciding that public gatherings in any scale is not tenable within the scope of the spread of the virus, then we will not hesitate to cease any and all meetings.  This cancelling of meetings do not mean that the Church of Jesus Christ is closed or has ceased; and certainly the victory of the church is not in any way threatened [Matt.16:18].  We must remember that church is universal (transcending time and space) and spiritual.  The organic church will outlast this virus and any earthly threats to the end of present age, and to the glory of our returning King Jesus!
In the meantime, please pray hard for our neighbours and the world, and please help one another like the early church, and faithful churches throughout our grace-filled history.  Links to good reads: (
IN SUMMARY, these are what we are doing & our advice to our HCC community (including gathered information from various sources):

  • On PERSONAL HYGIENE:  Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer. Use alcohol-based hand sanitiser if hand-washing facilities are not readily available to you.

    • Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

    • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.

    • Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, ensure you have adequate supplies.

    • Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. He or she will tell you what to do.

    • Don't wear a face mask if you are well.

    • Get the flu shot (available April).

  • On GATHERINGS:  For now, we will continue meeting in large Sunday gatherings (under 100) for worship, and smaller gatherings (CGs & GGs) during weekdays. 

    • But if the situation escalates, we will notify you all through FB, website and emails of further closures and cancellations.

    • The potential future cancellation(s) may be in any order and scale (small, many, large, single).


    • Practice “social distancing” - maintain at least 1 metre (3.3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and refrain from handshaking and hugging.

    • “Head nods” and beaming smiles are enough for now.  But if you must touch, “toe taps” and “elbow bumps” are okay too. 

    • Do not be offended if others do not “properly” touch-greet (hugs, handshake, etc.).  And do not be too sorry to offend others by not touching. 

Please know that I and elders and other servant-leaders are praying for you, our communities and the world.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for anything.  Also, below are additional information and guidance from good reputable sources that we can recommend.
In Christ’s mercy and grace,
Jim Jung
Pastor, HCC


Helpful Resources

For more resources, please speak to our pastoral team and elders.