Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Dear beloved Harbour City Church family,
The Session has met and made a hard decision. In order to help curve down the risk factor for the whole of society, and to do our part, and also to keep our own members safe, we are cancelling all person-to-person gatherings until further notice. This includes all weekday meetings and even Sunday gatherings. It will be for at least two weeks, or even until Easter Sunday, and even possibly longer. It’s hard to say exactly how long at this point. But we are keeping a close eye on all the official developments and credible recommendations.
During this unique period, our priority, as the Session, is to act in love and courage, and not out of fear. Therefore, we will: (1) continue to preach and live out the gospel; (2) proactively make informed, wise and creative decisions; and (3) communicate clearly, with godly care.
We may be cancelling en mass gatherings on Sundays and Community Groups and Growth Groups, but here is how we will continue to be God’s church, and even use this opportunity to love on one another all the more:
Rest in Jesus!
In the past, God had allowed “Sabbath Years” (7th year) and “Year to Jubilee” (50th year after 7x7=49years) to allow deep rest and redemption for Israel [Lev.25]. Such rest was not a loss. Rather, it was an investment for an even more robust future fruitfulness. Perhaps in God’s providence, we are now called to rest physically, yet to grow our hearts all the more for the things of God and one another! So, please, by all means, rest!Sunday worship will be live-streamed-only at the usual worship time of 10:30AM. Please tune in!
This first Sunday (22nd March) of livestreaming-only will be kept ultra simple and compact. We will keep the entire meeting at under an hour. Still, the Sunday programme will be available on FB group site as well as other means. This Sunday’s theme is “10 Year House Celebration”, and our magazine “DEKA” will be released during worship, probably during the Announcement time.
The following Sundays will feature other added elements such as individual testimonies.
Even though physical meetings are cancelled, we recommend and encourage:
Using phone and social media for good. Reach out to more people throughout the week. Ask one another and share how you’re doing. Lift each other up in prayer and encouraging words. Read and share God’s Word together. Try using the call feature on your phone, and actually talk to people!
Helping one another. We can meet real physical needs of our community. [Please read – Galatians 6:2, 10]. Share and provide for one another as necessary. Deliver goods and supplies, but just drop it off, and don’t stop to shake hands and hug each other. Yes, it’s hard, but keep the distance.
We will stay in touch with you all throughout the following days, weeks and months as we are committed to do life together with you. We are not merely releasing “service announcements”. We are committed to shepherd you in collective prayer and word ministry. We will help coordinate and assist in various connection opportunities virtually. We may even further God’s Kingdom work through virtual evangelism and fellowship as more people are isolated than ever before, and are asking the Big Questions they overlooked in the past. So, be of good cheer! [Jn.16:33]
With love in Christ,
Pastor Jim Jung
on behalf of the Session of Harbour City Church
A valuable source of information on the virus and the precautions that should be taken in the Australian Government website Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert:
The World Health Organisation information for the public on prevention measures is found at:
As of March 12 (AEST) the World Health Organisation has escalated Covid-19 to a pandemic level.
The Commonwealth Government has activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19
For more resources, please speak to our pastoral team and elders.