A Song Renewing Our Joy in the Incarnation

  1. We saw that Mary’s song both in its structure and content was deeply influenced by the Old Testament and this helped her to appreciate the significance of the incarnation. How does this challenge the way you read and interact with Scripture? What is one step you will take this next year to grow in your intake of and meditation on Scripture?

  2. In 1:46-50 Mary reflects on the significance of the incarnation for her personally. How would you characterize what she says about its impact for her? What impact has the incarnation had on your personally?

  3. In 1:51-55 Mary celebrates the impact that the incarnation will have for the world. What are some of those things? What broken things in our world are you most looking forward to being totally redeemed at Christ’s second coming? How can you act now to make an impact on bringing Christ’s restoration to this area?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text?