Towards a Generous Stewarding of our Time and Talent

  1. In the first point of the sermon, we looked at the gospel context of our stewardship of our time and talents. Why is it is so important for us to keep this in mind as we approach serving (i.e. what will go wrong and how does this help things go right)?

  2. What takes up most of your “free time?” In what ways does the idea of stewarding our time in order to use our talents need to modify how you are using your “free time”?

  3. As you think about using your gifts to serve, which is your greater temptation: to work hard but in your own strength or to be timid about serving because you are not trusting in Christ’s strength on your behalf? How does this text encourage/challenge you in regards to this?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text?