A Call to the Humility of Faith

  1. Paul encourages us in 11:16-18 towards humility to non- Christians. Which sort of non-Christians do you struggle with arrogance towards and why?

  2. How does knowing that our salvation comes by being “grafted in” (cf 11:17) to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob impact the way we read the Bible, think about God’s mercy towards us, and relate to Jewish people?

  3. Paul warns us in 11:19-22 to be careful to make sure we are continuing to believe in Christ. What helps in the text and the sermon can help us to strengthen our faith in Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Your Place in God’s Purpose for All People

  1. How do you feel about the doctrine of election and your salvation? Read Romans 11:1-6. How should you feel?

  2. How do you feel about the doctrine of election and those who are not chosen? Read Romans 11:7-11. How are the un-chosen described, and how does that affect how you feel?

  3. Read Romans 11:11-15. Think of any Jewish friends you may have. How do you feel about their salvation, and how should you feel?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Receive the Righteousness Based on Faith

  1. In Romans 10:5-6, Paul contrasts the righteousness based on faith with the righteousness based on faith in Christ. Why do you think humans are so tempted to pursue a works based righteousness? What are some words of counsel/ways of keeping your Christian friends accountable that we may be unintentionally promoting a works based righteousness in their lives?

  2. In Romans 10:14-17 Paul shows the necessity of hearing the gospel in order to believe it and be saved by the righteousness of Christ. He does this to show that the Jews had heard the gospel. What level of familiarity

    do your non-Christian work mates, fellow uni-students, families or neighbors have with the gospel? Do you think they really understand that Christianity is about grace and not works based? How do you know?

  3. In Romans 10:18-21 Paul says that God will use the Gentiles receiving the gospel to make the Jews jealous for the gospel. What would it look like for your life to make non-Christians jealous of what you receive from the gospel?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Reigniting the Passion

  1. What are the things that you have done and doing that makes you feel more righteous before God? How can we correct this kind of self-cleaning and self-righteous attitude in light of the gospel? What are the ways that we can redeem the passion for the gospel truth?

  2. In Romans 10:1, Paul expresses his heart’s desire and prayer to God for the salvation of his fellow Jews. Who are the people around you that you have this kind of heart’s desire and prayer to God? What are the small steps that you want to make to help them to find the salvation in Jesus?

  3. Romans 10:4 states that ‘Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.’ Jesus is the only way that we can stand righteous before God. Do you struggle with this exclusive nature of Christian faith? How can we help others to see the most inclusive nature of Jesus out of all the exclusive truth claims out there?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

God’s Sovereign Mercy: From Objection to Ovation

  1. As you think about how you came to faith in Jesus Christ, in what ways is it obvious that is only God’s sovereign mercy that you came to believe the gospel?

  2. Why is God’s sovereign freedom a source of praise instead of a terrible doctrine?

  3. In Romans 9, Paul asks and answers a number of objections about God’s sovereign mercy. What others have you heard or do you have? How would you answer them?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Sovereign Mercy

  1. YOU: What is the most challenging (or difficult to accept) aspect of God’s sovereignty in salvation for you?

  2. BIBLE: Look again to Deut.29:4 and 30:6. What does it take for a man to turn back to God? And what does Jesus equate with “spirit and life” in John 6:63?

  3. SERMON: What was the most helpful thing to you in the sermon on the text?

  4. APPLY: Put on your thinking cap, and reason. What is the option apart from God’s eternal salvation? Also, consider deeply, how is your heart responding to the Words of Jesus? Are you clinging to Him for life and salvation? The Word of God makes it clear that we must. Please reexamine your personal walk and devotion to God. 

Grieving Over the Lost

  1. When was the last time you were even upset over the prospect of someone you love going to hell?

  2. Are you letting the doctrine of God’s sovereignty diminish your zeal for prayer for the lost and evangelism to the lost?

  3. How should the doctrine of God’s sovereignty encourage you to pray and witness?

  4. How can you regularly incorporate praying for the lost into your normal times of personal worship?

  5. What non-Christian(s) has God placed in your life that you can build a relationship with and share Christ with? 

Our Judge and Defender

  1. How much does the reality of Jesus being literally, physically present in heaven affect the way we think about our sins and struggles?

  2. How does Jesus’ intercession at God’s right hand on your behalf strengthen you to continue fighting sin?

  3. What are the present societal issues that are driving us to rest in Jesus as our defender?

  4. What should be our hope when it feels that many things are separating us from the love of Christ?

  5. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

God’s Great Grace Leads to Sacrificial Giving for Kingdom Projects

  1. We saw how sacrificial generosity among the Christian community in Acts 4 gave powerful testimony to the resurrection of Jesus. Have you ever been generously given to by another Christian to help you with a need or assist you in a mission/mercy project? How did that impact you? What about others?

  2. We saw that the sacrificial generosity of the early church was empowered by God’s grace. What specific areas of unbelief do you need the grace of God to challenge so that you can grow in sacrificial generosity?

  3. We saw the early church laying their gifts at the feet of their spiritual leaders, the apostles, to use as the apostles saw best. What about our cultural climate makes this a foreign concept in many ways? What specific step can you begin to take next month to prepare for, save up for, and sacrifice so that you can contribute generously to HCC’s upcoming resource campaign to raise funds for a building as a ministry centre?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Towards a Generous Stewarding of our Time and Talent

  1. In the first point of the sermon, we looked at the gospel context of our stewardship of our time and talents. Why is it is so important for us to keep this in mind as we approach serving (i.e. what will go wrong and how does this help things go right)?

  2. What takes up most of your “free time?” In what ways does the idea of stewarding our time in order to use our talents need to modify how you are using your “free time”?

  3. As you think about using your gifts to serve, which is your greater temptation: to work hard but in your own strength or to be timid about serving because you are not trusting in Christ’s strength on your behalf? How does this text encourage/challenge you in regards to this?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Generous Priorities

  1. Read again [Matt.6:33]. How does prioritizing impact not only the most important thing (God and His Kingdom), but everything else?

  2. How should our giving priority manifest in our personal budgeting and the life of church?

  3. What can we expect from seeking God and His Kingdom first? Can we out-give God? How does God award our giving?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Generous Life

  1. How has God displayed His generosity according to the sermon? What about in your personal life?

  2. How should gratitude manifest in real life? What are some things you are doing well in this respect? How can you grow in your generous expression of gratitude?

  3. What does a life of generous gratitude produce? How can it improve our walk with God?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Rest in the Goodness of Our Sovereign God

  1. Verses 8:26-27 talks about our weakness. In what ways do you struggle when you are going through trial and difficulty? Does it encourage you to know that the Spirit is praying on your behalf in these times? How so?

  2. Romans 8:28 is often misunderstood. In what ways do you see it misused? In the context (see 8:29) what is the “good” to which God is working all things in the Christian’s life? Can you give one example of how you have seen God grow you in Christian maturity through a particular trial or hardship?

  3. Romans 8:29-30 teaches that God is sovereign in saving some and not others. Is this a new teaching for you? Do you struggle to understand or embrace it? If you do embrace it (or if you did), in what ways would it provide comfort and assurance for you?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text?