“Jesus of Nazareth” Luke 2:39-52


  1. What makes “extraordinary” what it is? How does the plain “ordinary” sets the stage for extraordinary work of God? Have you experienced such in your own life?

  2. How does the childhood and boyhood of Jesus help us to understand His humanity?

  3. How does Nazareth and the boyhood of Jesus set the stage for His amazing redemptive work?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“Consolation, Hope and Joy” Luke 2:22-38


  1. In what sense was Jesus the consolation of his people Israel? How does his coming console you?

  2. What is the significance of Simeon saying that Jesus is a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory for Israel?

  3. How was Anna comforted in her life of devotion to God at the temple in the coming of Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“The Shepherds and Angels Rejoice” Luke 2:8-21


  1. What does the rejoicing of the shepherds and angels indicate? How does their celebration include us today?

  2. How has Christ and salvation transformed your own life from fearing to praising and rejoicing? Do you have some testimonies to bear?

  3. How does our intimate knowledge of Christ make a wider and even global difference in the lives of people?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“The Coming of Our Saviour” Luke 2:1-7


  1. Was God ever obligated to save sinners? What is the significance of God’s approach and initiation to come near us?

  2. Compare the “King of Kings” and other “earthly kings”. Who is more glorious? How can we see the glory of the true King?

  3. How much “room” does the Lord of the universe take up in your heart and life? Is there a room for repentance and transformation?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“Quiet Faithfulness” Mark 12:35-44


  1. In what ways are you tempted to flex your 'spirituality' like the scribes? Why?

  2. How does the example of the poor widow's quiet faithfulness challenge how you live for Christ?

  3. Why is it easier to give out of abundance than out of poverty? What does it reveal about the desires of the heart?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“The Perfect Love” Mark 12:28-34


  1. Why is the command to love the greatest of all commandments?

  2. What is your experience in love; especially in your efforts to love unconditionally?

  3. How does the nearness of Christ help you to both experience God’s love and enable you to love?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

“Resurrection & Heavenly Life” Mark 12:18-27


  1. What do you do “religiously” without having anything to do with God or His Word?

  2. How does the “creation order” and the “redemptive plan” of God inform and shape the course of your life? What of the message on these topics challenged your assumptions?

  3. What drives your modus operandi, the planned regiments of your reason or the power and presence of the living God? Is there a room for repentance and transformation?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Authority to Reign" Mark 11:27-33


  1. What are some good leadership traits that make us want to follow?

  2. What are the different authorities in your lives? How would you rank those authorities?

  3. What is the difference in Jesus’ claim in authority compared to the authorities of this world?

  4. What are some areas in our lives where we do not submit to God’s authority?

  5. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

From Darkness To Light

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What does it mean to be in spiritual darkness? How do the world and the Bible differ on what the worst thing that can happen to someone is? What is the solution to spiritual darkness?

  2. Do you feel the urgency of Jesus’ call? How do you think you would respond when hearing the type of call that Jesus gave to Simon and Andrew?

  3. Considering the four-fold challenge to Pray, Give, Send, and Go, how is your involvement in missions? What are some ways that you can be more involved?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The withering of Israel" Mark 11:12-26


  1. Why did the Jesus curse the figtree for its lack of fruit? What does this episode reveal about the crowds who would turn against him?

  2. What is the significance of Jesus cleansing the temple? What does it reveal about the spiritual state of Israel?

  3. Why does Jesus tell his disciples to have faith in God and bear fruit? What does this mean for us today?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The Triumphal Tragedy" Mark 11:1-11


  1. What are some Old Testament passages that point to Jesus as the Messiah? What sort of picture is painted in these passages about Jesus’ Messiahship?

  2. Why was the “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem considered somewhat of a tragedy?

  3. Discuss how Christ’s everlasting Triumph encourages or challenges you this week.

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"What do you want me to do for you" Mark 10:32-52


  1. Why was the request of James and John a foolish one? Why did they fail to understand what they were actually asking for?

  2. How is your definition of ‘greatness’ different to the one given by Jesus? What areas of your life reveal a practical difference in definition?

  3. What is the ‘way Bartemaeus chose in light of his faith and recovery? What life ‘way’ or ‘path’ are you on right now?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Religion Pure and Undefiled" James 1:19-27


  1. Why is it critical for us to always begin with a meek receiving of God's word before anything else?

  2. What are the dangers of being a hearer of the word only, and not also a doer of the word?

  3. How does your faith reflect the religion that is 'pure and undefiled' before God the Father?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Wealth vs. Faith" Mark 10:17-31


  1. Do you find yourself judging others against yourself? Discuss

  2. How would you score on God’s standard of goodness? Discuss

  3. Do you find it hard to sacrifice for Kingdom building purposes? Discuss some practical steps.

  4. How are we ultimately saved? Is there more than one way?

  5. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"Can & Cannot" Mark 9:14-29


  1. Have you ever run into impossible tasks where clearly you could not overcome? Care to share?

  2. How do you usually decide what in life to take on or give a miss? According to the sermon, how should Christians decide what to take on, or not; and what should be our attitude and understanding in those decisions?

  3. Have you ever dared to take on to do something just because of Christ and His gospel? Please share?!

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

"The Glory of the Christ" Mark 9:2-13


  1. What is the significance of the presence of Moses and Elijah? How should it shape our understanding of the NT in light of the OT?

  2. What is the significance of the Father’s command to listen to his beloved Son?

  3. Why did the Son of Man need to suffer and die before his resurrected glory? What does it mean for us today?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

OOW can be found here.

"What is the Christian Life?" Mark 8:27 - 9:1


  1. What are some things which make you wonder, ‘what is God doing?’ How is that often influenced by sinful desires?

  2. How does Jesus going to the cross drive the lives we live following Jesus? Why do we deny ourselves if we are following Jesus?

  3. How can we change the way we view the value of the world and the value of Christ? How can we help each other do this?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.