"Heart for the Lost" Luke 19:1-10


  1. What are the similarities and differences (or “continuity and discontinuity”) between the OT expansion of God’s people and that of the NT church?

  2. Whose heart do our hearts resemble more? --that of Jonah or of Jesus Christ?

  3. Why is it important to cultivate a heart for the lost?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Heart for the Lost
Jim Jung

"Christ's Session Over His Church" Mark 16:14-20


  1. Why were the apostles and early church given signs and wonders to accompany their gospel proclamation?

  2. How is your life today living out the great commission given to us by Jesus?

  3. How does the reality of Christ seated on his throne reigning and ruling comfort and challenge you in living for him?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Christ's Session Over His Church
Sijin Yang

"Amazing Resurrection" Mark 16:1-13


  1. What gives us certainty of Christ’s resurrection, both externally and internally?

  2. What stood in the way of trusting Christ’s resurrection for the disciples, and for us?

  3. What is so good and amazing about the resurrection into new life?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Amazing Resurrection
Jim Jung

"The Burial of Jesus" Mark 15:42-47


  1. Why was the death of Christ considered “well-timed”?

  2. What sort of faith and courage did Joseph of Arimathea display in providing a proper burial for Jesus?

  3. What sort of meditation and contemplation does the grave prompt in you?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

The Burial of Jesus
Jim Jung

"The Death of Christ" Mark 15:33-41


  1. What was happening for most of the six hours while Jesus hung on the cross? What dimensions of darkness were present in those hours?

  2. Why must we face the death of Christ? What should be our response to God as we look on to Christ who died on the cross?

  3. What is the significance of the temple’s curtain torn from top to bottom?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

The Death of Christ
Jim Jung

"Jesus Crucified" Mark 15:21-32


  1. Why was the cross specifically used as the death instrument for Jesus according to the sermon?

  2. Have you ever personally dwelt on the moment of the crucifixion of Jesus? What emotions have you felt? What have you realized on a personal level?

  3. Our words of mockery and cruelty often reveal where our hearts lie. Have you ever caught your own sinful intent? How did the gospel rebuke or transform you in those moment(s)?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Jesus Crucified
Jim Jung

"Jesus Sentenced?" Mark 15:6-20


  1. How do we go from spiritual apathy to disobedience to mount rage against God? Have you ever been angry at God? --angry enough to want to leave God?

  2. How are we like Barabbas? List all the similarities. Do these resonate with you?

  3. How do we do the unthinkable? Are we aware of our “resident evil”? How can faith and humility redeem you from sin?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Jesus Sentenced?
Jim Jung

"Jesus Under Trial" Mark 15:1-5


  1. How do we subject God to our judgment according to the message? Can you recall those times when you have also participated in dismissing the presence and authority of God?

  2. Merely going through the motion is tiresome, tedious, and numbing. Have you ever experienced such spiritual apathy?

  3. How does the Lordship of Christ set us free? Is Jesus indeed the Lord of your life in every way

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Jesus Under Trial
Jim Jung

"The Breaking of the Wheel" Mark 14:53-72


  1. Where do you see the impacts of the fall in your own life? Why was it critical for the cycle of human sin to be broken?

  2. How does the integrity and victory of Jesus under pressure challenge and comfort you in your faith?

  3. Why is the story of Peter so heart-breaking and hope-giving at the same time?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

The Breaking of the Wheel
Sijin Yang

"Watch and Pray" Mark 14:26-52


1. Can you recall the times when you were particularly spiritually “high” or “low”? How do spiritual pride and insecurity manifest in your life?

2. What was the point of “watching” Jesus in Gethsemane?

3. How can our spirit overcome the weaknesses of the flesh? What practical difference do you wish to see in your own life?

4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Watch and Pray
Jim Jung

"Dinner-time with Jesus" Mark 14:1-25


  1. What kinds of people are invited to dine with Jesus in the first scene? On a normal day, who do find yourself relating to?

  2. How does the story of Judas warn us about having the appearance of faith but a dead heart?

  3. How should the Lord’s Supper remind us of Christ and encourage us to continue to persevere in faithfulness?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Dinner-time with Jesus
Sijin Yang

"Faith Like the Mustard Seed" Matthew 17:14-20


  1. How does the local translator’s interpretation of a mustard seed as perfect (having everything that it needs to grow to become a tree and bear fruit) add to our understanding of what Jesus says about faith?

  2. How would you assess your faith? What are some things you can do to have faith like a mustard seed?

  3. Have there been times in your life when your faith was tested? What was it like? How did you get through it?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Faith Like The Mustard Seed
Missionary Josh

“The Return of Jesus” Mark 13:24-37


  1. What is your sense of the “season” pertaining to the return of Christ? How engaged are you in the participation of the harvest season?

  2. Have you been chosen? How do you know? And how do you feel to be a part of the “company of the elect”?

  3. Describe what the Bible (and sermon preached) says about the “pomp and circumstance” of the return of Christ. What else do you imagine about the return of Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

The Return of Jesus
Jim Jung

"End of the Age" Mark 13:1-23


  1. How does your enjoyment of the present world distract you from the coming end
    time? What are your favourite diversions?

  2. What of the preached word helped you to sense the nearness of the end time?
    What of the world you now live in resonates with the warnings about the end

  3. What can you do to “be on guard” as a believer waiting on the return of Christ?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

End of the Age
Jim Jung

“Life is a Gift” Romans 8:1-11


  1. How preciously do you regard your life? And what is the basis of your valuation—especially as informed by the sermon?

  2. What is the difference between life “in the law”, and life “in the Spirit”?

  3. What are some real and practical things you would do differently as a Christian?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Audio Block
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“Life is a Gift” Romans 8:1-11
Jim Jung

“Gospel of Grace vs. Lawlessness” Hebrews 10:26-31


  1. Have you ever used God’s grace as a “license” to freely sin? Share?!

  2. How seriously do you take sinning? Is there a problem with your scale for measuring sin?

  3. How can you use the law of the O.T. and the many instructions we find in the N.T. in order to grow holy and be sanctified?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Gospel of Grace vs Lawlessness - Hebrews 10:26-31
Jim Jung

“Gospel of Grace vs. Legalism” Romans 3:21-31


  1. How did the pastor define the meaning and practice of “legalism”?

  2. Can you relate with the “older brother” in anyway?

  3. How does legalism ultimately ruin the church of fostering “grace culture”? Can you recall some examples, or share some of your own?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Gospel of Grace vs Legalism - Romans 3:21-31
Jim Jung

“Uniqueness of Grace” Ephesians 2:1-10


  1. How is “biblical grace” unique from other general ideas about “grace”?

  2. How is “culture” defined and explained in the sermon?

  3. How does biblical grace impact our lives and in turn those around us?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Uniqueness of Grace - Ephesians 2:1-10
Jim Jung

“Altar of Worship" Matthew 23:16-36


  1. What can you take away from the idea of altar that applies to our private and family worship?

  2. How does worship go wrong?

  3. In what ways are private and family worship connected to corporate worship and church as a whole?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Altar of Worship - Matthew 23:16-36
Jim Jung

“Calling all sinners” Luke 3:1-18


  1. Why was John’s call to repentance so important in preparing the way for the Lord? What is your attitude towards the idea of repentance?

  2. What is it about the crowd’s repentance that John calls out as hypocrisy? When are we in danger of having the appearance of life but bearing little fruit?

  3. What might it look like to anticipate Christ’s return today?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging/encouraging part of the sermon for you?

Order of Worship can be found here.

Calling all sinners - Luke 3:1-18
Sijin Yang