March 25 - The Lord’s Supper
Read: Matthew 26:17-29 & Exodus 12:1-20
For hundreds of years, the Israelites kept the Passover in remembrance of God bringing an end to their slavery in Egypt. The unleavened bread, the bitter herbs, the blood of the sacrificed lambs; each element bringing to memory their salvation. On the final evening of Jesus’ life, he celebrates the Passover with his disciples. He is to go to the cross as the Passover Lamb to save his people from their slavery to sin and death. This supper will be celebrated by his disciples for the next two thousand years in remembrance of God bringing an end to their slavery to sin. The bread: his body broken, the wine: blood poured out; each element to bring to memory their salvation.
Why is the Lord’s Supper such an important part of the Christian faith?
How does the scene of Jesus and his disciples in the Upper Room move you?