March 28 – Jesus before Pilate
Read: Matthew 27:11-31 and Isaiah 53:1-7
Silent was the suffering servant before the Roman governor, like a sheep before its shearer is silent, he opened not his mouth. He made no defence for himself before the one who held the power of life and death in the name of Rome. The injustice of this scene indicts all parties involved: the hatred of the chief priests and elders, the bloodthirsty crowd baying for a crucifixion, the cowardice of Pontius Pilate as he condemns an innocent man to excruciating death. The injustice being perpetrated reaches its climax with the release of Barabbas in exchange for Jesus: innocent blood shed that the guilty might go free. Still the man of sorrows remained silent, for it was for this very reason he had come into the world.
Consider the exchange of Barabbas for Jesus, and how it is a picture of the gospel.
Google ‘conversion story of Pedro Sarubbi’ for further reflection on this scene
*Consider fasting from Thursday 6pm - Friday 6pm as a reminder of our dependence on God for all things as we offer up our devotion and prayer to Him as we reflect on the saving work of the cross