Union With Christ in Resurrection

Discussion Questions

  1. How vivid is your understanding of your union with Christ? In other words, how real is your death and resurrection in Christ emotionally as well as your life application? Let’s talk about it!

  2. How does resurrection in Christ renovate your inner-life?

  3. How does resurrection in Christ impact the way your plan your outer-life?

  4. What was the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Love Trumps Liberty

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text?

  2. Can you think of an example where your theology or actions have been judged, rebuked, or corrected by another Christian? Was it done well or badly, and how did it impact your Christian journey?

  3. Read Romans 14:1-19. What reasons does Paul give for not judging a fellow Christian? Look particularly for things connected to the fellow Christian, God’s part in things, and how we ought to live.

  4. In our church and your community group, how can we promote ‘righteousness, peace and joy’ (14:17) foster ‘peace and mutual upbuilding’ (14:19) and walk in love (14:15)? What practical things can we do or change? What can you do or change? 

New and Young Believers

  1. YOU: How long have you been a Christian? Have you ever been hurt/stumbled by other Christians? Would you care to share?

  2. BIBLE: How did the sermon explain the phrase “weak in faith”? How can the “weak” become strong? What are some biblical prescriptions?

  3. OTHERS: How can you improve your service, whether as an “old” towards the “new”, or as a “new” to the “old”? Please share and pray for Spirit’s instruction and strength.

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

The Gospel and Christian Life

  1. Why do we still need to fulfil the law (Rom 13:10) even though we are released from it (Rom 7:6)? How can we fulfil the law based on Rom 13:8-10? Why is it so hard to love others? How does the gospel help us with this struggle?

  2. When is ‘the time’ and ‘the hour’ that Paul is referring to (Rom 13:11)? What does it mean to ‘wake up from sleep’ (Rom 13:11), ‘put on the armour of light’ (v12) and ‘walk properly as in the daytime’ (v13)? What are the three categories of sin listed in verse 13? What are the sins that you are struggling with?

  3. How does ‘putting on the Lord Jesus Christ’ (v14) help us with our sin struggles? What do you desire the most? Is Jesus at the centre of your inner most desires?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

The Gospel and Government

  1. In what ways have you struggled to understand the role of government and how a Christian should participate in it or relate to it? What about other Christians you know?

  2. In what ways does this text challenge the way you think about and live in response to your local and federal government?

  3. What truths about God and the gospel in this text and the larger context of Scripture help you to apply the instruction of this text?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

A Charge to a Presbyterian Congregation

  1. YOU: What is your general attitude towards leadership and authority? Share some personal experiences from the past.

  2. BIBLE: What is the function of church leadership, and how should your attitude be towards them according to [Heb.13:7 & 17]?

  3. OTHERS: How should we speak of the elders and how should we treat them according to [1Tim.5:17-20]? What is the meaning to “double honour”?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Living and Loving Others

1. Read Romans 12:15-16. Which commands do you find hardest?

2. Consider your Community Group. Are there things you could do within your group to make it easier to share joys and sorrows? Are there things you could do/do better to be like-minded, accepting and welcoming to outsiders? 

3. Consider your non-Christian friends, neighbours and colleagues. If their life falls apart, are you in a position to be able to show generosity and kindness to them? What might it look like for you and your Community Group to show Christian empathy and self-sacrifice love to them?

4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text?

Good vs Evil

  1. YOU: Would you say you have a clear sense of “good vs. evil” in your daily consciousness? Do you tend to see the world in “black & white”, or in “shades of grey”? Give examples

  2. BIBLE: Look up [Phil.4:8-9] once again, and consider how you are actively pursuing these good things of God. Also, as you recall the sermon, why is Good considered “powerful”?

  3. OTHERS: Would you warn others of the powerful advancement of God’s Goodness? What is the consequence of preferring evil instead of good?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

One Body, Many Members

  1. Do ever find yourself comparing yourself to either “less gifted” or “more gifted” people? How does that make you feel?

  2. Why should being one body in Christ free us from human comparisons and lead us to serve in joy and humility?

  3. How should the example of Christ’s humility transform the way that we exercise our God-given gifts?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Ministry and Function of Elders

  1. YOU: What are you learning about a Presbyterian Church? How is it different from other church(es) you’ve experienced in the past?

  2. BIBLE: Can you recall or review the many ministries and functions of church elders?

  3. OTHERS: How is the Lord leading you to emulate such godliness and leadership? As you consider our HCC congregation, is the Lord showing you certain individuals as candidates for eldership? Do not make specific reference or gossip.

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 

Christ's Call to Elect Qualified Men to the Office of Elder

  1. In 1 Timothy 3:15 we see how significant the church is to God’s plan. How have you thought of the significance of the local church? How is this being reflected in your life?

  2. As we looked at the Convictions and Character of elders as an example for all believers, what areas did you identify in which you need the grace of God to grow you in?

  3. We looked at the good gospel result of having qualified men to serve as elders. What are positive examples
    that you have seen of the effect of good leadership in a local church? What are some negative examples of bad leadership in a local church?

  4. What is the most helpful thing to you in this text or the sermon on the text? 


  1. What have you discovered about the history of Presbyterian church, or about the church history in general?

  2. How does “Reformed Theology” inform our view of God, His Word and His Church?

  3. What are some distinct features of a Presbyterian church? Consider our worship, governance, sacraments, etc.

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

New Year, Renewed You: An Introduction to Our Community Bible Reading Plan

1. Do you struggle to keep God's mercies before you as the motivation for obedience to Jesus your King? What one practical step can you take to keep your focus on and confidence in the gospel of grace?

2. Where do you find yourself most being tempted to be conformed to the world's way of thinking? Is it in regards to your finances, relationships, appearance, leisure, reputation, etc.?

3. Have you attempted Bible reading plans before? Did you stick with it? How did it benefit you? How is the approach to our HCC Community bible reading plan both similar and different than those previous attempts? 

4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Spirit-Filled Christmas

  1. (You) How would you describe your “faith awakening” moment? Where were you; what was happening? Try to describe beyond circumstances. What was the Holy Spirit doing internally?

  2. (Bible) Who does God console? How? Extract from Luke2:25-33 as well as Isaiah 25:8-9

  3. (Apply) Consider where your heart is leading you to spend your time and resources. Are you about building up the Body of Christ for God’s glory? If not yet, repent now, and turn to the Lord and His purposes.

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

A Song That Prepares Our Hearts for Christmas

  1. What were some tough things that Zechariah and Elizabeth had to go through based on Luke 1? What are some tough things that you went through this year if any? How has God worked in your life in 2017?

  2. Based on Luke 1:72-75, what is the purpose that God has saved his people from the enemies? What are the main sources of the fear that prevents you from serving God? How can you overcome those fears to serve God and his church?

  3. What was the main goal of John the Baptist based on the prophecy of his father Zechariah in Luke 1:76-77? What are the things that you can prepare for the way of Jesus in the time of Christmas and new year?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

A Song Renewing Our Joy in the Incarnation

  1. We saw that Mary’s song both in its structure and content was deeply influenced by the Old Testament and this helped her to appreciate the significance of the incarnation. How does this challenge the way you read and interact with Scripture? What is one step you will take this next year to grow in your intake of and meditation on Scripture?

  2. In 1:46-50 Mary reflects on the significance of the incarnation for her personally. How would you characterize what she says about its impact for her? What impact has the incarnation had on your personally?

  3. In 1:51-55 Mary celebrates the impact that the incarnation will have for the world. What are some of those things? What broken things in our world are you most looking forward to being totally redeemed at Christ’s second coming? How can you act now to make an impact on bringing Christ’s restoration to this area?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

Mary Had a Little Lamb

  1. YOU: What is the greatest/biggest thing that nobody really knows about you?

  2. BIBLE: What is the function of the Holy Spirit as shown in this passage? And how does the exercise of faith bless your life?

  3. APPLY: How would you share and announce the gift of grace in Jesus to others this Christmas season? What are some practical/creative things you are willing/planning/ committing to do?

  4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text? 

The Unsearchable Depth

Discussion and Application 

1. (You) How do you handle mysteries and uncertainties in life? Does it "eat away" at your perfectionist personality? Or are you just a "chill" sort who doesn't mind not knowing what you might consider "non-essential"?

2. (Bible) In light of the whole Scriptures on salvation to the elect, how should we understand the word "all", as in "all Israel" [v26] and "mercy on all" [v32]?

3. (Apply) How can you trust God with greater confidence and faith? Where is the place of mystery and uncertainty as you consider God and His ways? Should they lead you to worship or hopelessness?

4. What was the most helpful/challenging thing to you from the sermon on this text?